My patients have been finding learning Qi Gong & Tai Chi movements can be helpful for reducing tension & connecting to their muscles in a way that lasts.
Tai Chi movements can be practiced anywhere, with no equipment. Because the practice is done in standing, it easily translates to other movements in your life. The practice of learning how to be connected but also relaxed can help you throughout the day, whether you are working in the kitchen, carrying your kids, or moving at work. It is a skill that can help with self-regulation, feeling like meditation on wheels or mindfulness with motion. I particularly find the simple moves good for reconnecting with your core centre. This control of your body can also translate to performance in activities like dance and sports.
Tai Chi can also be a 2-person practice where you learn how to respond to others while staying relaxed & centred. This dynamic practice with challenge can help us learn if we are too tense or too relaxed. It can be very beneficial learning to respond when confronted with stressors and be present even when it’s difficult.
Learning Tai Chi for Rehab
Kinesiologist and Tai Chi Coach Gabriel Shaw will be teaching workshops about using tai chi to help:
- Pain
- Dynamic Connection of your Core
- Relaxation & Reducing Tension
- Tai Chi for Health Care Providers

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